"We have proven..." Cofty what have you proved as a scientist specializing in evolution? The elder mindset at work in atheism. If you a Nobel winning scientist, please explain your silence.
Band on the Run
JoinedPosts by Band on the Run
God is not an element both in religious fanaticism and atheism alike
by exWTslave inin my intimate conversations with many of my atheists friends i have found that their real problem is the human rights abuse of the religious fanaticssomething which god hates (not the lack of proof for gods existence) (means when the religions went to one extreme, their opponents go to another extremethus god is not at all an element in religious fanaticism and atheism alike) atheists shun, belittle or resist proofs for the existence of god, because they fear it will only further strengthen the religion from which the fanaticism arisethus object of atheists attack is fanaticism (not god) .
hence what atheists do is really a service to the humanity (while fanaticism is a crime against humanity).
hence when the atheists ask for proof for the existence of god, one need not take it seriously.
Can a JW go home for Christmas ??
by Clambake injw love to make a big deal about christmas but the reality is alot of people have time off work from christmas to new years.
we like to go home.
with me being an ubm does it become an issue within the cong ?
Band on the Run
My mom invited her sister for a family dinner on Thansgiving, not because it was a celebration of thanks for all the many things Americans are grateful for, but because she had off from work to toil over the meal. She explained her reasoning. Any day for a family meal but Thanksgiving. Maybe there was a spy fr the Witnesses across the street. Tall stories were told at the KH behind me. My aunt sincerely believed that a day off from work was secondary to maintaining her integrity.
We ate Thanksigiving dinner as a nuclear family, unafriad of slip of the tongues. My family was able to discuss our lives without disapproval.
If you live far away and no Witness espionage ring is present, how would anyone know what you did. If the elders follow you into the airport or follow you in a car, call the police and press charges for stalking and terrorism.
Religion without revelation - any examples from the past?
by EdenOne ini'm researching on the common trait of mostly every religion coming from pre-humanist times, and that would be, the notion of "revelation", that is, that at the beginning of every [i say this with caution because i'm admitting to exceptions] religion there is some sort of "revelation" from supernatural being(s) of some sort.. my question is: do you know of any example of religions from the past that you can confidently say that were exempt from "revelation"?
this is not the same as asking if there were religions without gods, or religions of nature.
i'm not even considering what i understand as philosophical-ethical systems, such as confucionism or platonism my purpose is to find out if, at the starting point of all religions of the past, there is a "revelation", or merely "observation / contemplation".
Band on the Run
You don't state what your problem with relevation; is it a bad thing, in your view. Revelation exists in pagan myths that predate the major religions today. Greek myth is full of them. Native Americans believe in revelation. I see no fundamental problem with revelation It is Revelation, misapplied, that causes problems. Unless you clarify your idea, your research will not yield much.
Many people today use revelation in the sense of new insight. Epiphany is also used, with a small e.
I was a poll worker
by Hortensia ini worked the election yesterday, here in california, poll worker, from 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. it was fun and interesting, went pretty smoothly, nice day.
it was very depressing to come home, look at the news, and find that the republicans now control the senate.. .
do you think canada would take me?
Band on the Run
I am a Democrat activist. People term me very bright and sophsiticated. I studied politcal science and law. The reform branch of the Democratic party is composed on blue dog Democrats as well as Dennis Kucinich types. The main attraction to the party for me over decades has been that it supports my life style choices. Democrats tend not to burn books, restrict the First Amendment, and reach out to all minorities. The financial district crowd in Manhattan is most blue dog Democrat. We are probusiness but also believe in necessary governmental regulation. Science is admired as is creativity in all its forms. I am proud to be an active member of the party.
We believe in the Federal Reserve and the SEC, no matter how inconvenient. The Justice Department gets high marks. With the exception of the NSA spying and collecting data even from turned off cell phones, Obama has moved foreign policy forward. Public officials are human. I have access to top leaders of both parties if I need it. I have needed it for extraordinarily bad circumstances.
The benefit of registering as a party member is it entitles you to vote in the party's primary when candidates who stand no chance of being elected in a general election try to tilt the party on an ideological basis. I remain always aware of what Independents are willing to endorse. The pendulum keeps swinging back and forth in American politics. We are a centrist country which may be a good thing. There are many ideas from truly conservative scholars that I embrace. If you want to live the way GOP members do (and I do not want their social issues), vote for a Democrat. Too many Americans term themselves middle class when they are teetering on poverty and basically disenfranchised in basic terms.
Why the WTBTS is liable for Sex Abuse Cases
by Coded Logic inthe problem isn't just that kids are getting raped by people in their congregation.
the problem's also that anytime someone has "serrious charges" brought against them the elders add notes to that jws publisher file.
and, if the elders don't take the matter to the police or, as is often the case, tell the victims families not to take it to the police either, this establishes a level of accountability.. take daniel fitzwater for example.
Band on the Run
All these posters with their opinions are not traiined lawyers. Conti and the present case presented unsual fact patterns. The WTBTS is fairly insulated from the actions of invidivual JWs. Individual JWs are not educated or trained by the WT. They receive no money compensation from the WT. Indeed, they are not agents of the WT. This runs against what many JWs believe but it is the truth. Wikipedia must have articles on negligence law. These cases are not simple. The trial judge has no power to set California law. The appellate courts will do so.
In another post, some member quoting, attorney Zalkin against me. Thank you for the compliment. I will not stand against excessive personal injury verdicts any day. Negligence law was formed during the Middle Ages and changed during the era of railroad expansion in the United States. I stand witht he majority of the bar. A relatively quick system of compensation where proof is offered outside of trial courts would serve American interests much better. The $13 million award will definitely spread to the costs consumers pay across the board. Rather than quoting the likes of Zalkin to me, show me that JWs have more pedophile abuse by comparing actual court awards to other religious groups. Such a move is rational discourse, not ignorance of the most fundamental aspects of law and economics.
I was a poll worker
by Hortensia ini worked the election yesterday, here in california, poll worker, from 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. it was fun and interesting, went pretty smoothly, nice day.
it was very depressing to come home, look at the news, and find that the republicans now control the senate.. .
do you think canada would take me?
Band on the Run
Good for you! Were you paid for the work or did you volunteer for a party or candidate? I am interested in the going rate for official poll work in California. Maybe it varies by county.
China from the Inside; The Grasslands of Ruoergai
by fulltimestudent insichuan province in the soutwest of china is closer to india than it is to beijing.
it borders burma and bangladash and shares borderzones with xizang (tibet).. the architect of modern china, deng xiaoping, came from a middle class sichuan family, who sent him to france, sponsored by a group called the diligent work-frugal study movement, a work and study program, which sponsored some 4000 young chinese by 1927. young deng was only 15. why did he do this.
deng says, in"to learn knowledge and truth from the west in order to save china.
Band on the Run
I have no great interest in Chinese history or culture. The little bio you relate of Deng Xiao Ping is revealing. Based on limited knowledge of China from American broadcast news and regular reading of the New York Times, there are questions I would ask you.
1. What did he do to help the communist movement? For example, was he a participant in the Long March? Did he subscribe to the Little Red Book?
2. Did he take any action when the Great Famine was planned and implemented?
3. Did he support democracy in Hong Kong and China, in general?
4. If he were alive during the TianMen Square massacre, what did he do to stop it?
5. Is this a university education?
A believer in human rights and democracy. Also, a capitalist tool. I would raise the good points concerning this man but you already did it for me.
A Vote That Was Widely Ignored
by metatron inhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/05/california-prisons_n_6070654.html.
if i learned anything from my witness experience, it is that, in balance, there can be too much of an obsession to punish, punish, punish.. while the media wastes time over tweedeldee vs tweedeldum elections, the issues of real improvement and liberty get ignored.
given the eclectic backing of this measure, it suggests to me that it will go nationwide and that's good.. there is hope amidst the partisan nonsense.. .
Band on the Run
You may not realize but there is no room to put serious criminals in prison. Federal judges have held that many states' prison overcrowing is unconst'l. The United States has so many more prisoners per citizen than any similarly situated country. The criminal justice system is so racist. We execute people whose lawyers were sleeping during their trial. This is a good measure to start a rational imprisonment policy. California often leads the way for other states to innovate. We can see how it works in California. If it is a success, maybe our taxes can go down.
How many lawsuits can the WTBTS absorb?
by Coded Logic init seems like the society has been desperately seeking ways to cut costs and boost reviniew (jw.org, kingdom hall programs, etc) over the past four or five years.
is this because donations are actually down?
or have they been preparing themselves for these lawsuits?
Band on the Run
CA could help balance its books by selling court seats when a GB member gives testimony under cross-examination. I would pay very good money to be present in the court room. More money than I would pay for a bobble head Supreme Court justice! (They auction bobble head justices to raise money for public interest programs).
How many lawsuits can the WTBTS absorb?
by Coded Logic init seems like the society has been desperately seeking ways to cut costs and boost reviniew (jw.org, kingdom hall programs, etc) over the past four or five years.
is this because donations are actually down?
or have they been preparing themselves for these lawsuits?
Band on the Run
It would take much research to answer the question. I don't believe they could hide their assets in mutual funds or other financial holdings. Every defendant would do that, if permissible. For the moment, they will not be sued in the same manner as the Roman Catholic Church. Undoubtedly, the Conti case and the present case awards will draw personal injury lawyers and more plaintiffs. The WT has plenty of assets. My personal experience with the Witnesses, however, is that they don't like transparency. CEOS show up for discovery. Roman Catholic cardinals also show up for discovery. The WTBTS and its GB will not intimidate a California judge or any federal judge.
I can't help but note certain personality traits common in the JW world. My favorite part of this site is the parody of Witness culture. Arrogance is one. I can still clearly hear the mockery and buffonery concerning law judges to this day. Theocratic warfare would be some concept to explore in discovery and testimony. Let me remind people that Richard Nixon accepted legal process. If you believe JAH is on your side, stand up for your beliefs. Be bold. I must state that I have not read the documents. Additionally, I am not admitted in CA.
My mom told me many true stories of how Witnesses antagonized judges in the past. Judges are usually fair people and well trained in law. The Witnesses love to bring civil liberties suits ( a trait I respect). Personal injury law suits are an integral part of law. The First Amendment never granted rights to any religion to break criminal laws or face civil damages. It must be sheer agony to represent them. The outside lawyers representing them should boost their fees for the experience. Regular Witnesses will get high off the persecution complex. I may not agree with the amount of the damage awards but they are subject to the law.